Terms and conditions


This legal notice regulates the use of the Internet services of the website: www.taxitronic.com.

In compliance with Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the following identifying details of the company are provided:

Company name: INTERFACOM S.A.U.
Tax Identification Number: A58225137
Registered address: Calle Alejandro Sánchez, 109, 28019 MADRID

Email: taxitronic@taxitronic.com
Phone: 932 662 030
Registered in Registro Mercantil de Madrid –  Tomo: 32071, Folio: 179, Hoja Registral: M-577190

For security reasons, additional company details will be provided to the client, applicant, or user once commercial relations are established or proper registration is completed.

This website has been created by INTERFACOM S.A.U. for informational purposes and personal use by users. Through this Legal Notice, the aim is to regulate access and use of this website, as well as the relationship between the website and its users.

Mere access to this website does not imply the establishment of any commercial relationship between INTERFACOM S.A.U. and the user.

Access to this website is the sole responsibility of the users. Accessing and browsing this website implies acceptance and acknowledgment of the legal warnings, conditions, and terms of use contained herein.



“Interfacom S.A.U.” (Hereinafter, TAXITRONIC) in relation to confidentiality and protection of personal data. The users are informed about the way TAXITRONIC receives, manages and protects personal data provided through its different online platforms.

Users must read carefully this policy, which is written in a clear and simple way to facilitate its comprehension and must decide, freely and voluntarily, if they want to share the personal data with TAXITRONIC.

Moreover, users must guarantee they are at least 16 years old and that the provided information is true, exact, complete and updated. Also, they must ensure to be responsible for any damage or perjury direct or indirect, that might occur as consequence of the unfulfillment of this obligation. In case the provided data belongs to a third party, users should guarantee that they have informed the third party of the different contents of this document and have the authorisation to facilitate the data to TAXITRONIC for the referred purposes.

  1. Data protection and responsible

TAXITRONIC has adopted the measures and levels of security on personal data protection required by the General Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27th, 2016, Data Protection (Hereinafter, “RGPD”) and other applied norms. The personal data collected through this website, is subject of automatized treatment and will be attached to a file from which is responsible INTERFACOM, S.A.U. company constituted as per the Spanish regulations with VAT number A-58225137 and address in C/ Torrent de l’Estadella, 64, 08030 Barcelona

To contact TAXITRONIC for any reasons related to this privacy policy you can do it through the following contact points:

Carrer de Torrent de l’Estadella, 64, 08030 – Barcelona or writing an-email to taxitronic@taxitronic.com

  1. Data collection and aim of data processing

The data collection of personal character will be gathered exclusively through the application form published in CONTACT section and through the emails customers can send to TAXITRONIC requesting services.

TAXITRONIC will treat the data for the following specific aims:

  • Manage products and services requests.
  • Information services to customers or future customers.
  • Customer attention services and customers technical support.
  • Collection management to customers.
  • Contribute to the strategic business development.
  • Control the use of the website.
  1. Legitimation

The legal basis of handling data is based on express consent and in the necessity to execute the contracts whose object are the products and/or services that TAXITRONIC hires. The fulfillment of the form included in the site, the mailing or any other communication to the web owner, implies the express consent of the applicant to the inclusion of their personal data in the automatised file.

  1. Professional secrecy

All the private communication between TAXITRONIC and customers/users is confidential.

We recommend to the applicant not to give the identification, password or referential number provided for TAXITRONIC to a third party.

  1. Transfer to a third party

TAXITRONIC does not sell, transfer, lease or transmit any personal data from its customers/users to third parties.

  1. Rights

The user could in any moment and without any cost to exercise their rights of access, rectification or elimination, opposition, limitation and portability of their data, through the post or email of TAXITRONIC as per the established terms of the current regulation.

  1. Consent revocation

When the data processing based on your consent does not necessarily affect data to the realisation of a contract the acceptance of the user to use their data could be revoked without retroactive effect. To revoke their consent the users could contact TAXITRONIC through the already given channels.

  1. Data storage time limit

TAXITRONIC will keep the users’ personal data only during the necessary time for the realization of the objectives for which they were collected.

  1. Required nature of the requested data

It will be necessary to fill in all the data that appears with the * symbol in TAXITRONIC application forms of the online platforms to comply with the law.

  1. Automatized decision

TAXITRONIC does not take on automatised decisions reached by the data processing of users.

  1. Changes in the security policy and data protection

TAXITRONIC reserves the right to modify its security policy and data protection in a discretionary way in any moment and without giving prior notice, always following the requirements of the current Spanish legislation in matter of data processing.


TAXITRONIC | Interfacom S.A.U.
Torrent de l’Estadella, 64, 08030 Barcelona
Tel. +34 93 266 20 30
Fax. +34 93 303 34 03