Where does the word taxi come from?

Although there are different stories about the origin of the name taxi, it is most likely due to the abbreviation of taximeter. In turn, this word comes from the German “taxameter” or the French “taximèter”. In both cases the words are formed by taxa/taxi which in the different languages derives from the Greek τάξις, meaning “rate” or “tariff” and the suffix mètre/meter, which also come from the Greek, in this case, from μέτρον meaning “measure”. Thus forming this word meaning the rate to be paid for a certain distance.
In any case, although the taximeter as we know it today is a German invention, the work of engineer Friedrich Wilhelm Gustav Bruhn, shortly after its invention it traveled to France and, from there, to the rest of the countries. Therefore, the adoption of the abbreviation of “taximèter” (TAXI), originally comes from France. That’s why we find its use in many languages, which either adopt the term directly or adapt it to their alphabet. Although there are some phonetic differences, the growth of international tourism made the use of the word “taxi” more and more universal so that, nowadays, almost everyone can understand its meaning.
Other attributions
Among the most fanciful versions, and lacking in argumentation, is the one that attributes the origin of the word taxi to the surname of the 15th century Lombard entrepreneur Francisco de Tassis, called Franz von Taxis in German. This entrepreneur is the founder of the postal organization and postal services as we know them today. Another theory, perhaps more related to the actual origin of the term, attributes that the word “taxi” became popular as an abbreviation of “taxicab”, (from “taximeter cab”), which specifically referred to an automobile equipped with a taximeter to calculate fares.In any case, whether it comes from a post office inventor or from the abbreviation of taximeter or taxicab, the important thing is that today we can enjoy this service known worldwide as “Taxi” and all the conveniences it offers to users throughout the length and breadth of our planet.